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VideoEdge & Victor Basic Installer

SKU ADVVE5001-6618
The American Dynamics Basic Installer course aims to equip participants with the knowledge required to install, commission and troubleshoot VideoEdge Network Video Recorder (NVR) and victor Unified Video Management System (VMS). Trainees will need to register for the course before checking out on buyPSA.com. The trainee can register here and select PO for the payment, using PSA as the PO#.


If using Training Bucks, please follow these directions:

  • During the checkout process, step 2: labeled “choose payment method”, you will see a text box “PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER”.
  • Write “Training Bucks” in the text box that is labeled “PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER”.

Available training bucks will be applied.


Letting us know who will be training:

When placing your order, on the final checkout page that has the PLACE ORDER button, you will see the “ORDER COMMENT” text box. Please provide the details on who the training is for:

  • First and Last name
  • Email address